Wednesday, 23 December 2009


I believe the NWO has [partly] revealed it’s self and is now posing as our saviours, as they always have done through out the ages.

We are being led up the proverbial garden path via the big issues; terrorism, global warming and the (engineered) banking crisis. The solutions have been drafted and agreed upon long before these issues hit the headlines.

The same people who have been manipulating society and populations for hundreds of years are now telling us, openly in the mainstream press, that yes, the shadow government is not a conspiracy.

We live in such a parallel world sometimes; TV is so surreal you cannot get any kind of constructive information about what is really going on. So when they deny the existence of that a world government is forming, while at the same time embracing the concept, people are either in a state of denial, hoping for the ‘old days’ (which I think is the intention – even if non exist), or they are screaming ‘I told you so’. Either way, I believe that this kind of surreal, disenfranchised, apathetic model of society has been crafted to be this way. The farse of democracy has been made more believable by selling us lifestyles, consumer society and a certain level of comfort which pacified us into a state of inertia. Lets be honest; the only reason were allowed to vote is to stop any real, bottom-up revolution. We’re too stupid for that, after all.

People like David Ike, Alan Watt, Alex Jones, Ian Crane – all people who have been ridiculed by the establishment for spreading the truth about the real globalist agenda, which we are, in tern, expected to accept as the only viable option for progress.

Everything revolves around progress; we’re taught this at an early age. Our society always has to be progressing to the next level. But we never quite know what that means. Same with change. Always change and hope. What change, and hope for what? Changing into a world government and hoping it’s for the best maybe?

Here’s some of what I believe we are heading for over the next 10 years:

The cashless society .

Large scale implementation of biometrics (having its roots in Eugenics) – in the UK we’ve already had this hit hard in the schools. It’s just so great and convenient not to worry about cash. It’s all on the finger print. You pay for “credit” on your account. Nothing worrying or sinister here at all. No mark of the beast. You’d be a “Christian fundamentalist” for thinking such a thing!

This is the basic blueprint for how cashless society would work. It’s a huge way of controlling the consumer. Remember we’ve already been indoctrinated into the idea that a computer can have say over what we able to achieve in society. Credit Cheques? Medical Records? All at the click of a button. So why would be taken by surprise with Biometrics? We wouldn’t. I think they’ll be little protest, and if there is the issues will be simplified to the point of not even being relevant (e.g. should kids under 13 be allowed to choose how their “credit” is spent? Says The Sun. Well yes I think this is a good thing, or no I think Government or social works should be given access as well, to make sure the moneys not going to fund illegal pursuits… ) That kind of debate, you know the ones that don’t even scratch the surface.

By this I mean when computers just say no. Think of the possibilities. “you have gone overboard with your carbon consumption this week… you are not allowed to purchase… ”

Lend me your finger?


Unification of the Americas

World government – accompanied with the new religion which is a combination of science and “new age” earth worship – which is really a fraud because when you look into which foundations are funding these things, you realise it’s the same people who have been pulling the strings since at least the first world war.

The UN is being set up as a front for the new world government. Their tag line says it all, classic example of double think: “we the people… a stronger UN for a better world” Let this be clear; it ain’t nothing to do with “we the people!”

Nature has turned against us – Club of Rome “we much teach the people that man is the enemy of the world” If you you do not see the relevance of this, you need to clear your blinkers (Gordon Brown practically parroted it, saying it would unite the world). Check out the propaganda put out by this Government to do with “Climate Change” – 6M to make sure we believe! [ref]

Obey authorities – predictive programming – in relation to vaccines which will for everyone.

Fear mongering for ‘swine flu’. More and more confusion. The creation of chaos, the order of which will be the agreement that WHO should have more “authority” in these matters, something along the lines of streamlining. EU anyone? Heard that idea before? Yeah, same deal.


  1. By this I mean when computers just say no. Think of the possibilities. “you have gone overboard with your carbon consumption this week… you are not allowed to purchase… ”

    ...... intersting idea, but i feel it goes against the mantra that by keeping people in debt you keep them enslaved - if you are paying for yesterday it is easier to control someone than it is to control someone who is solvent.

  2. Agreed. I was meaning it more in a reference to punishment, or social control. I think they shackles of national debt will be with us for quite some time.
