Wednesday 23 December 2009

Garden Path.

In light of the recent “Climate Gate” scenario: I really don’t think people are fully aware of the scam that’s being perpetuated in front of their eyes.

Here’s an a good article featuring some great quotes.

Here’s what Al Gore says himself:

Denies any need for suspicions regarding the scientific evidence. All the quotes were taken out of context, blown out of proportion and he even uses a smug little quote from Shakespeare (Bacon?) to shrug off any uncertainty people might have.

There was a time when carbon dioxide was not strictly considered a pollutant; now it seems it’s a central pivotal point on the whole consensus as to whether or not the government funded research into the human causes of global warming / climate change myths. An inconvenient truth maybe that the whole Carbon Trading schemes were dreamed up by big business, for the benefit of the same companies they were aimed at taxing.

So the dialectic, Hegelian world view that’s so often presented by our ever more reliable, mainstream media, is that you’re either a denier (with all those connotations) or a skeptic… or, on the winning side with your friends wisdom and altruism: you want to save the environment, stop climate change and end world poverty (and save the polar bears, etc). Hardly much room for any other perceptual manoeuvre within the confines of years of government funded research. Tow the line or be prepared to be labelled a “skeptic” or worse, a “denier” or worse, anti-climate change. This infers that you are a total nut and is slanderous towards scientists (or anyone) who seek more openness about the data and motivations behind certain conclusions.

Being "branded" right-wing is another tactic.

That’s because too much rests on people forgetting about these things pretty soon. Just go on with it, surly the science will come out eventually? Then next time these international heads of state, bankers and other self perpetuating ego-centric frauds meet, they can take it that step further while we forget as they move us into whatever next crisis is going to take centre stage.

And then papers like the Guardian, who are oh so liberal and forward thinking, put in full page adverts urging “our leaders” to sign the treaty, to prevent an imminent climate catastrophe. And we still think our papers are representative of the people, or at least some kind of moral majority? The real players are charlatans. Most people don’t understand they want to tax us on the same “emissions” that we breathe out. Your spirit which flows in and out of your physical body each day is damaging the environment. Can we see what else this might lead to? The legitimate public discussions of such well disguised eugenics-inspired programs like the Optimum Population Trust, perhaps? We’ve already had the trust worthy granddad that is Attenborough spouting his support for this think tank, on the BBC’s Horizon, which features a constantly increasing population counter on their website. How alarmist, you might cry. But then wouldn’t you also be lumped in with the climate change sceptics? Well surely, as the doctrine goes, if you can’t see the correlation between a newborn and Carbon Dioxide emissions, you must be of ape like intelligence!

Here’s a smashing little article from Spiked magazine online. Note the use of the term eco-Malthusianism – very important in understanding an elitist world view.

And that is the mantra they are pressing onwards with, without a second thought. These misanthropes consider the “useless eaters” simply that: useless. Unless of course, you are a useful idiot, for example a dogmatic, hard-line activist working for one of the big foundations like (example) who are badgering our “representatives” (or is it Ministers?) for change. This works on a level that makes activism appear legitimate and grassroots, when quite often if that kind of activism was taking place, independent of big money, it would receive little attention. Also known as AstroTurfing (i.e. referring to the fake grass which is used instead of genuine grass)

The idea of “act now or it will be too late” was often the mantra of genuine eco warriors, trying to stop companies like Enron from dominating the world’s gas and oil supplies, but now it’s the cry of these same villains who want to tax us all over again – and gradually redesign our slavery. After all it was us who personally ruined the world for everyone, wasn’t it? We’re all in this together. How very convenient and communist.

Because the government funded research & propaganda regarding climate change sets its tone with countless examples of an imminent catastrophe, or wide scale death, it also leaves the people in control of this data huge scope to manipulate the results in a way which shows them to be “right”, even in the case of a natural disaster. Of course they wouldn’t do that, would they? I imagine this would hit the front pages without any reference to the military applications and experience of weather manipulation while simultaneously screaming out “we need to act NOW”.

This is the real fear mongering. Not the sentient beings who wish for a more open discussion on the long terms plans of these elites who threaten us all with destruction with out even batting an eyelid, in order for us to obey and keep the “Queens Peace”. Example at hand being Gordon Browns 6 million he’s recently pissed away on the awareness raising campaign of global warming. When they raise awareness, they are seeking your consent, or at least your acceptance of, certain modes of thought which they want you to be on board with. Granted in some cases this is in regards to drink driving, or not using mobiles, or speeding – I feel there is little point demolishing these. But when it comes to “not revving your engine” and the untimely apocalyptic vision of the future presented on the recent “awareness raising” advert for climate change – one can’t help but feel the whole thing is a complete and utter scam designed to make children ask parents questions about the future they can’t answer.

Which is a shame for genuine environmental movements.

I believe they are well under way in the implementation of this “global, uniting force” they keep talking about, being elevated to the position of a religion. Now this isn’t going to happen in a sense of “what a great religion – sign me up” I think it will be a gradual transition, a mind set, a paradigm shift you hear the New Agers talking about. That’s what they always intended; the ball has been rolling significantly on this one since the first earth summit in 1992. A new form of earth worship which replaces the pagan gods and ancient archetypes of antiquity with the very real focus of “Gaia” or Mother Earth. It is occult, to say the least. And funded by huge money.

Literally just found this article as well. Wow, pretty speechless:

Links: - A Lukewarm View of Global Warming founded by John L. Daly - Henrik Svensmark: “global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning” – “enjoy global warming while it lasts”

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