Monday, 4 October 2010


Been a little while since I posted owt. Gunna try get back on it.

In years to come I hope people realise the harm all this propaganda has done. It's meant to be taken with a pinch of salt, but they really are intent on hammering that message home (Human life is not as important as this metaphysical threat of global warming/climate change/carbon emissions). So there you have it, Environmentalism via Eugenics.

Shock and Awe tactics combine with systematic brainwashing [ kids have even been taught the happy global warming song in schools ], in a convoluted sacrificial worship of Gaia - a repackaged mother nature Pagan God.

But it's absurd and ironic, so one cannot form a rational discourse without it being degraded into an emotional argument. The "weak minded" heretics who cannot conform will be brutalised, in a cultural and historical cleansing which will wipe the slate clean for the new man...

Monday, 21 June 2010

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

"Your life does not benefit us"

"You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight in the social boat, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself." George Bernard Shaw, British Fabian.

Wow, people are gunna love socialism. This particular brand of elitism is so easily veiled as being for the benefit of an ill-conceived (and vaguely defined) greater good, it’s hard for the public to extract much truth. That is of course, any truth to which the authorities do not consider necessary or desirable. The danger here is that this world view, particular to those in an already established position within “civil society” (cradle to grave), leads to ultimately tyranny. They will have to go along with it because livelihoods will be at stake. That is how you control a society. This is what progress means to the elite. In the face of such ideals, we should be reminded that Socialism was the doctrine of both the Nazi’s and the Bolsheviks. Both of which justified mass murder.

H.G Wells downplays the impact that the radio rendition of “The War of the Worlds, put action by Orson Wells, had on the American public in 1930’s

Huxley makes reference to “Techniques” which would be more prevalent in controlling populations in the future. I.e. mass entertainment, mass media, Tell-Lie-Vision, etc.

Divide et impera

"It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude."
- Aldous Huxley

There’s no need for conspiracy theories when their own writings and words speak volumes. Yet most "lefties" are conditioned to think that they are kicking against the system, not realizing than we're actually moving into a feudal type capitalist system, which has been blended with the communist system of strong governance. They call it commutarianism, the 3rd way (the whole public-private partnership in the U.K being a good example of this.)

Global warming or climate change are some of their primary techniques of changing society - decided on thanks to the Club of Rome, who were given the specific task of dreaming up a scenario which could be used to unite the world.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

- Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, consultants to the UN

CoR are an off shoot off, a specific arm of the One World Government, agenda. Well connected with all the usual “conspiracy” buzzwords like the Bilderburgs, Council of Foreign Relations, etc. And yes, it is an agenda. I think the whole branding of "conspiracy theory" is a kin to the communists who called everything "bourgeoisie" when it didn't fit their agenda. Or the right wing who branded everything under the sun "communist" while failing to realize that the big (tax except) foundations in Amerika were funding what appeared to be left-wing groups - in order to lay the ground work to merge the U.S with the Soviet system ('rule by council'). Please check out the Reece Committee.

Here is an interview 1982 by G. Edward Griffin regarding the time he spent as the head researcher for the Reece Committee

But ultimately people should be aware we are ruled by deception and to question everything. This agenda I speak of has it's fingers in many pies; even the "alternative", current New Age authors. I am thinking specifically of James Lovelock, who is nothing more than new age charlatans in my opinion. This idea that the world in a living organism called "Gaia", I’ll admit, sounds really appealing. It's almost like, how can this chap be a threat? Well in reality he's not. But it's more the mindset that it promotes, which goes hand in hand with the "sustainability" and "greening" agenda heavily promoted by the U.N, (which is essentially wolves in sheep’s clothing). This involved reducing the world population and bringing down the standard of living in the so-called "developed world". But the new world order needs its new religion for the next generations. Debating the impact of this often doesn't take into account the education system that is already in place in our schools, (i.e. they have it planned out, well in advance) thanks to UNESCO. My 4 year old nephew coming home from school with the question “What does it mean to be a good global citizen?” being a real world example of this. Keep your eyes open for the indoctrination, all I'm saying...

Of course you can keep rationalizing this to yourself, “well that’s a good thing that they (the kids) are aware that the world is bigger than just their city”. One has to look at it from a point of view children are easily influenced, and this is a deliberate attempt to not only change their perspective on the world, but to lay blame upon their parents for the state of the world. Especially if an idea is presented to them in the best possible light, and couple that with the encouragement to get their children to see how much (or little) their parents currently recycle. All for the purpose of saving the environment, obviously. But it’s a similar technique which has been used for generations in order to cut out vital knowledge of “how things were” and facts or opinions about history – not just the official party line. This is why generations are divided - they are easier to manipulate if they have no real historical grounding.

Who in their right mind doesn’t want clean air and clean water? It really is the dream scenario for change. Some of the literature put out by the British government about sustainability and the green-economy make it state openly that they are well aware that it is business as usual as far as they are concerned, and those who smell which way the wind is blowing (i.e. opportunists) will tow the party line. That’s why you see all the so called green energy companies, the private business’s cashing in on middle class guilt to turn your house “Carbon Free”, which is pretty inconvenient considering it’s the main gas human beings breathe out. This list is endless.

Yet if you fail to step outside the simple “pro or anti” paradigms we’re offered when trying to understand these issues, you run the risk of being branded a “Global Warming Denier”. Lovely use of Neuro-linguistic Programming (i.e. getting you to accept an idea or theory without much questioning) – you wouldn’t possibly associate the word “Denier” (albeit subconsciously), with those that are labeled “Holocaust Denier”, would you?

This is the new soviet system.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

BBC - Masters of Double Think.

More troops being sent to Iraq earlier would have saved British lives.

Why do we continue to offer this nation’s young men and woman as sacrifice? The debate about the war has disappeared from the eye of the mainstream. The fact it’s an illegal war, which a large proportion of the population could not get behind when it broke out, matters not. It’s being played out like any good war propaganda film – the battle goes on so long that the people forget why it started. War is peace and all that, and who’s funding it?

Just like the UN’s “Peace Keeping Force”. A super police force that supersedes the nation states, to protect the interests of (wait for it) not country, but a Corpration. That’s what the UN is; a legal entity. If you think this sounds too wild, bare in mind the following: the EU, with the aid of the Lisbon treaty, conned the Irish and the Czech people into voting (twice, to get the right answer) essentially giving this super-state “legal” status as EU. This has huge regulatory and economic implications. This is far beyond the comprehension of most of the public; we’re lead to believe this is the only natural solution (i.e. the persistent consolidation of power – but with the same names and shadow government orchestrating the moves). The chess players never sit on the chess board.

“The mandate of United Nations Police is different in each mission. In some missions, the mandate has been limited to monitoring the local police services. In more complex missions, the mandate includes advising, training, helping establish local police services and enhancing their work, and, in some cases, law enforcement. This complexity is compounded by the need to integrate all components of the criminal justice system to ensure comprehensive and sustainable rule of law.”Official U.N Website

The aforementioned integration comes in the form of a partnership between a private body of international data, known as Interpol, and the man power of the U.N. Ultimately to fulfil what the representatives call “a visionary model”. A global police force. Imagine the scenario; the UN throwing accusations at you and your family for being anti-social global citizens – you didn’t recycle for a whole year, you produce too much waste and what’s more – you carelessly didn’t unplug your electrical applications when you went on holiday! Which by the way, you used your friends carbon credit-card because you’d used yours visiting family earlier in the year. Oh by the way the footage was recorded by your fellow citizens, are you calling them liars? [citation needed… okay here you go]

“Despite popular misconception, the organization maintains no police force of its own. Each member nation maintains and staffs a National Central Bureau to direct Interpol intelligence, while local authorities investigate and prosecute criminals according to national laws” – from wikipedia or something.

And how do you transcend national laws? The U.N, that’s how.

“The police will be trained and equipped differently with resources… when they stop someone, they will be consulting global databases to determine who they are stopping.” Ross Noble [ Interpol and U.N. Back ‘Global Policing Doctrine ]

It’s too late for the concept that “they could never do that”. The fact is they’re doing it, incrementally, Fabian-style, to bring order out of chaos. They are never satisfied. The old Masonic doctrine, the ones the big boys know all about; out of many, one. UN is one is French. One world. You hear that frequently in the Eco friendly type adverts (“raising public awareness”, that means the money pumped into these NGO campaign’s has a specific purpose – to make you believe).

E Pluribus Unum — "Out of Many, One."

Make believe. Carbon taxing (World Economy), global warming (Global Governance), terrorism (Step this way, please), swine flu (World Health Organisation). A good set of myths to keep the public in a state of fear (perpetual war) while chasing their own tale, looking for the answers. All the while, allowing those who write the script to pass whatever laws they want.

EDF for example – the let it be known, we do not vote for these companies who act as “lobby groups”. They are presented to the public as a voice of the people. Notice the Alphabet soup names as well (Environmental Defense Fund). They are generally stuck in a perpetual state of demanding that certain laws be put through parliament – all for the greater good and virtuous causes they support. All good and well. Not so when you realise these are primarily (especially, unsurprisingly the ones mandated by the U.N) set up in the first instance by huge international bankers.

They act as a smoke screen for things like Carbon Taxing. You’d be forgiven for thinking the U.N isn’t behind that. They’re incredibly behind it, like a full blown assault on what the human body produces (we breathe out carbon). The ideal world citizen has to be “producer/consumer”, according to the U.N’s utopian doctrines. This means if you aren’t working (lets say you’re too old or have a disability), you’re just consuming and therefore it equates that you are a useless consumer (a burden on the world, no less!). And who are these people who will make such decisions? Well thanks largely to mass media all being on board or too damn ignorant, most of us aren’t too savvy with any of the faces behind the new geopolitical structure which is being hurried into shape. By that I mean they want us to want what they have planned for us, without really being aware of the implications.

EDF has a section of their website – facts and myths about Global Warming. Just so happens it’s almost identical to the Royal Society’s. Even if it is all true, and they successfully manage to kibosh any scepticism you may have, is it still just a co-incidence that all this one sided propaganda is forcing us into a corner. “Too late for talk, we must act” – that’s often been the mantra of radical environmentalists, now it’s mainstream and has unquantifiable financial backing. What does that mean for us?

E.U, on the other hand, is rumoured to feature (as president, no less) the man responsible for passing Britain’s anti-terror laws. Along with running the country right into the pockets of the internationalists and shit-hound bankers, his Fabian inspired “New Labour” was lost on most of us. He represents the working man, with five houses. Exit stage left, Tony Blair. Re-surface a few years later on the world stage leaving ol’ mouth breather Golden Brown to face the music. so we now know he didn't get the position, we got Herman Van Rompuy. (who? Exactley.)

Van Rompuy related to global governance by stating: "2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of a financial crisis; the climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet." Van Rompuy referred to the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009. No shit, we're all on board! NWO bound.

It’s a clever empire they’re building – history repeats it’s self but because we’re too in the thick of it, it’s hard for us to state it openly – without coming across as one of them “conspiracy nuts”*. But of course – the Club of Rome talked about this years ago – a world run by experts. It didn’t matter if these experts didn’t have anything resembling a human soul – they’re the scientists on the payroll, so we should listen to them alone.

Look at the propaganda machine that is Hollywood (Holy-Wood, the magicians wand) did you realise that the Pentagon funds the majority of war movies? Here’s the deal – we’ll give you the most intense looking modern weapons and technologies to use in your movie, you can then manipulate them with enhancing graphics (Iron Man, for example). But the catch is; we (the U.S Military, or rather, the money behind) get the final word on the script. That is an example of war propaganda. I don't know how clear it could be.

I think, deep down, we know that there is a lot wrong (you could say soulless) with these megalithic brainwash tactics, but we can justify it all with some token Freudian psychology and say “hey, it’s just appealing to human’s violent nature”. Right, yeah. Or it’s convincing us that the power structure already in place has your best interests at heart, and there’s experts taking care of it. The sad fact is, the people pulling the strings have a deeper understanding of psychology as a powerful a tool for social control then they let on.

All the big Sci-Fi writers are aware of this element to their “fiction”. HG Wells, Aldous Huxley - big believers is a scientific based dictatorship. Look into them for yourselves.

That’s why they train us to get used to ideas; it’s called predictive programming. All sounds far out, I know, but then why go through the hassle of having all the best “experts” in these fields on the payroll?

It is often futile to comprehensively rationalise how geo-politics works, because these people use any excuse under the sun to justify what they have done, and will do. Power is non-negotiable. It doesn’t matter if we have any interest in the occult, the fact is they do – what’s more they rub it in our faces to prove the point. I believe there are very ancient religions behind these ideas of a new world order – nothing like what we can learn about without a fair amount of studying and proper reading. The out right denial of any occult origins, combined with inconsistent, convenient explanations from official sources, speak volumes. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will understand what I’m referring to, but for now I’ll stick with the current agenda.

Remember seeing sci-fi films which feature (albeit, antiquated in appearance, but Gattaca springs to mind) biometric systems, which have everyone’s data on them? Do you genuinely think this has anything to do with stopping crime? Sure it will make reductions here and there. But in actuality, its preliminary objective is concerned with knowing your every move. They already have a lot of this data, and the new UN police force will also have access to this data. Predictability within society has always been one of the key aims at the top of the pyramid, and Sci-Fi has been used for years as method of predictive programming. That’s why the RFID chip is receiving minimal airplay with maximum $ to aid the research (IBM on board- I’ve heard they’ll lend you some brass if it aids the NWO…)

If there has ever been an era more defined by governments us selling out, it’s probably now. But we’ve been sold a culture of irony, schizophrenic nonsense, a culture that’s taught us “Hey, history does repeat it’s self and that’s just the way it is...”

After the decision to send more British troops to aid the occupation of Iraq, the BBC news reporter posed the question to the military representative:

“Wouldn’t we have saved more British troops if we had made the decision to send them to Iraq earlier?”

Now this kind of statement craftily leads you down one path: the troops are going; all that’s left to discuss is should we have sent them earlier?! Do they have enough weapons?!

For a start, as much as it is an inconvenience, these are people, (souls, if you will) not just troops. So sending them earlier would have saved them, I understand now!

So extending their time in the line of fire - would have saved more lives. War is peace!

It’s clear that we, the public, have very little say on these kinds of matters concerning the vast military-industrial complex – even more so once the ball is rolling. We’re treated as too silly, emotional, and irrational to have a proper opinion. That said, I find it even more insulting when they suggest that sending more troops, by the act of a miracle, saves more lives. It’s possible to argue this case; but you’d be staring into a bottomless pit of philosophical double-think

More soldiers; more British men and woman coming home in body bags. More mothers loosing children

And for what? No body can answer me that.


*(But that’s how disinformation works – you take a genuine, good idea, with integrity, and shit right in the middle of it and lead people into some kind of new age phoney make believe. A lot of these people are paid to do just that – whether they’re aware of it or not – more on that later)

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Thanks to one of Santa’s little Elves helping everyone out and trying to blow up an airplane on Xmas day… the public get new full body airport scanners purchased and installed almost without the blink of an eye. Some people are debating if it will save passengers time or not are missing the point, I think. It’s nothing to do with safety or efficiency; it’s another example of dehumanizing, master-slave relationship. It is similar techniques to those which have been in use in prisons and the military for years. You don’t own the right to your body; that belongs to your master. You have to obey the master because there is no choice and those who refuse will subject to even more harassment, one could imagine. All in the name of combating the war of terror, they cry. The perpetual war that you can get things done, i.e. completely reshape and mould society in the image of your Grand Master, under the watchful all seeing eye…

The Transport Security Administration are a bunch of under qualified, over empowered (and now even more highly equipped) clown shoe motherfuckers, let’s have it right.

Theres plenty more, as HG Well’s put it, “Things to Come”, that the shareholders are going to want to flog to the Transport Security Administration (I don’t like alphabet soup TLA’s… that’s three letter acronyms to you and I) I don’t like it because it assumes you know who and what they are referring to, without explaining that’s all The Government The mainstream news is riddled with these. Have you ever watched THX 113? George Lucas’s 1971 sci-fi classic about a worker based, drug controlled future dystopia. They refer to everything as numbers, or codes in that film, helping to disassociate and dehumanize everything (yet revealing to those who have eyes to see.

[for the full film go here]

So the Pentagon, via the TSA, are going to purchase more technocratic shite…

“CarScan is being funded by Technical Support Working Group ("TSWG") an agency of the government and will allow vehicles approaching a checkpoint or gate to drive slowly through the inspection system, enabling screening without the driver or passengers leaving the vehicle.” - San Diego Security Technology Companies to Join Forces

Check out the website for the SuperIntenseNewCameras, made by the same people.

Edward Bernays : on Propaganda and Public Relations

Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation

Please note; these techniques are still used on the public, it’s not all past tense like the language in the second video. It is important to see how these techniques are still used. Like with the Greening agenda; people can be lead literally up the garden path in order to keep up the pretense that they are “doing their bit” for the environment. Black is White, etc.

“The only way to completely stop the privacy invasions, expanding domestic police powers, land grabs, insane wars against inanimate objects (and transient verbs), covert actions, and outright assaults on individual liberty, is to step outside the dialectic. This releases us from the limitations of controlled and guided thought.” from What is the Hegelian Dialect?

Recommended: Adam Curtis’ other BBC documentaries. Here is part one of “Century of the Self”.

"Fifty years is ample time in which to change a world and its people almost beyond recognition. All that is required for the task are a sound knowledge of social engineering, a clear sight of the intended goal - and power." -- Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood's End.